think all of you have been used and have an account facebook. Facebook became
popular in Indonesia since 2008, and its greatly improved a lot in 2009. Here I
do not discuss the history or development of facebook in Indonesia, but is more
focused on the user's facebook infected the virus Alay.
think all of you familiar with the term of
Alay, but what true definition of the alay word ? And who's the first person
which create the Alay vocabulary? Until now, I never found the answer.
wikipedia, Alay (or 4L4Y, Anak Layangan or Anak Lebay) is a pop culture phenomenon
in Indonesia. It is a stereotype describing something “tacky” and “cheesy”
(norak or kampungan, only in Indonesian).[1] The Alay culture phenomena spans
over a wide array of styles in music, dress, and messaging. It has often been
compared to that of the Jejemon phenomenon originating from the Philippines.
Although, the former emerged much later and the latter was even admired in the
what is the relationship alay with facebook? Are all of facebook users can be
classified as alayers?
think Alay is a teenager syndrome, who are new of know technology or other
things, and want to express themselves but in the wrong way. Why they often use
facebook? I think, because in other social networking sites tend there are a
little alayers in there, so they feel not comfortable to express themselves.
of teenagers who infected Alay virus :
using facebook name unusual and difficult to read, such as "akkkuuUuwh 4n4k 4LaY", "yOg4iiaaAankkc3daNgpaTaahhAti".
In here they express themselves to tell others what they are feeling and hope a
write an SMS or comment on facebok with capital letters, small letters or
change letters to numbers, and a variety of abbreviations excessive. Like, when
writing SMS or comment on facebook "caaAiiaank
k4amuuh gie pa3nnzz?!? &%”. In
Here alayers trying to typing paper as beautiful as possible and hope that the
person who receives the message was amazed when reading it. If the person
receiving the message is a alayers too, then he will feel challenged and
responded by writing more alay again. But if the person receiving the message
is the healthy (normal) then he will condemn the sender of the message, because
it requires a keen eye and a strong faith to read it.
put a profile picture with exaggerated poses cute ass and usually take a
background in the bedroom. And put a tacky facial expressions despite having
countrified face. Alayers usually prefer to photograph himself by himself.
Here, alayers hope others who see his picture on facebook feel interested and
want to praise him with the cute ass pose. Although the actual sacrificing of
himself price.
always make a facebook status every minute or every second, and the status
contains of the complaints, sadness status or tacky expression that excessive.
alayers actually is a teenager who have little role in real life and want to
express themselves in the virtual world. Such Syndrome usually affect teenagers
who are new to know love, technology, fashion, and other matters.
are you an alayers? If yes, immediately repent. Because if it is chronic can
damage your personality in the real world and the risk
will damage your future. Honestly I was be alayer, feel so cool and most
exist on facebook, but after I got enlightenment from some great teachers, a
virus that attacks me can be cured and my future was saved.
By : I Dewa Bagus Gde Khrisna Jayanta Nugraha (125150207111099)
think all of you have been used and have an account facebook. Facebook became
popular in Indonesia since 2008, and its greatly improved a lot in 2009. Here I
do not discuss the history or development of facebook in Indonesia, but is more
focused on the user's facebook infected the virus Alay.
think all of you familiar with the term of
Alay, but what true definition of the alay word ? And who's the first person
which create the Alay vocabulary? Until now, I never found the answer.
wikipedia, Alay (or 4L4Y, Anak Layangan or Anak Lebay) is a pop culture phenomenon
in Indonesia. It is a stereotype describing something “tacky” and “cheesy”
(norak or kampungan, only in Indonesian).[1] The Alay culture phenomena spans
over a wide array of styles in music, dress, and messaging. It has often been
compared to that of the Jejemon phenomenon originating from the Philippines.
Although, the former emerged much later and the latter was even admired in the
what is the relationship alay with facebook? Are all of facebook users can be
classified as alayers?
think Alay is a teenager syndrome, who are new of know technology or other
things, and want to express themselves but in the wrong way. Why they often use
facebook? I think, because in other social networking sites tend there are a
little alayers in there, so they feel not comfortable to express themselves.
of teenagers who infected Alay virus :
First, using facebook name unusual and difficult to read, such as "akkkuuUuwh 4n4k 4LaY", "yOg4iiaaAankkc3daNgpaTaahhAti". In here they express themselves to tell others what they are feeling and hope a condolence.
write an SMS or comment on facebok with capital letters, small letters or
change letters to numbers, and a variety of abbreviations excessive. Like, when
writing SMS or comment on facebook "caaAiiaank
k4amuuh gie pa3nnzz?!? &%”. In
Here alayers trying to typing paper as beautiful as possible and hope that the
person who receives the message was amazed when reading it. If the person
receiving the message is a alayers too, then he will feel challenged and
responded by writing more alay again. But if the person receiving the message
is the healthy (normal) then he will condemn the sender of the message, because
it requires a keen eye and a strong faith to read it.
put a profile picture with exaggerated poses cute ass and usually take a
background in the bedroom. And put a tacky facial expressions despite having
countrified face. Alayers usually prefer to photograph himself by himself.
Here, alayers hope others who see his picture on facebook feel interested and
want to praise him with the cute ass pose. Although the actual sacrificing of
himself price.
always make a facebook status every minute or every second, and the status
contains of the complaints, sadness status or tacky expression that excessive.
alayers actually is a teenager who have little role in real life and want to
express themselves in the virtual world. Such Syndrome usually affect teenagers
who are new to know love, technology, fashion, and other matters.
are you an alayers? If yes, immediately repent. Because if it is chronic can
damage your personality in the real world and the risk
will damage your future. Honestly I was be alayer, feel so cool and most
exist on facebook, but after I got enlightenment from some great teachers, a
virus that attacks me can be cured and my future was saved.
By : I Dewa Bagus Gde Khrisna Jayanta Nugraha (125150207111099)
By : I Dewa Bagus Gde Khrisna Jayanta Nugraha (125150207111099)
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