Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

7 Disease Due to Technological Progress

7 Disease Due to Technological Progress
Technology does offer convenience in the activity. But convenience is not necessarily without consequence. Studies have found there are some health problems caused by the use of technologyin everyday life ranging from depression Facebook to narcissism.
Tenth diseases due to technological advances as reported DailyRecord, among others:
1. Electromagnetic waves of hypersensitivity to Wifi Signal Phone
From Wi-Fi to cellular signals, people are surrounded by wireless communication. And for some people, exposure to electromagnetic fields can make sick. Symptoms range from acute headaches and skin burning up muscle-twitching and severe pain.
An estimated 5 percent of Americans believe that they suffer from this condition and some of them have moved away to areas where wireless communication can dikonrtol strictly controlled to avoid problems.
2. Depression FacebookAwal this year, a group of physicians in the United States warned that teens can become so obsessed with Facebook and sacrificing his health.
American Academy of Pediatrics states that neglected children on social networking sites will be more depressed than ignored in real life.
The organization warned of the risk of mental health of children who are victims of cyber-bullying and confirmed that the use of a website in the long term can affect sleep patterns and levels of self-esteem.
3. Repeated Strain Injury which caused a lot of typing on the keyboard
Usually factory workers, seamstresses and musicians is the most at risk of developing repetitive strain injuries. But this time the office workers can suffer from the same problem because of spending too much time using the keyboard.
The use of fingers, wrists, arms, and shoulders repeatedly can cause damage that can not be repaired by the body over time. Preventative measures such as regular breaks is strongly recommended.
4. Headaches Due to Mobile
For years, experts engaged in a fierce debate over whether cell phones dangerous or not. However, studies have shown no association between headaches and the use of mobile phones.
Research commissioned by mobile phone manufacturer in the year 2008 and found that the phone calls just before bed can affect sleep quality can cause headaches the next day.
5. Internet addiction
Many psychiatrists now offering treatment for internet addiction and has been treating patients who say that the online world has taken over his life.
According to U.S. psychiatrist, Jerald Block, the condition must be seen as a clinical disorder see the increasing number of people are addicted to gaming and pornography on the intenet.
6. Reduced Hearing instruments
As a result of disease Ipod like Ipod Some diseases may be a new technology on the fret over the last 10 to 15 years. Yet it is more than 30 years since it was first raised concerns that listening to loud music through speakers may damage your hearing.The ipod has replaced the Walkman, but concerns remain the same. France has banned the gadget manufacturers to produce the earphones which produce the sound exceeds a certain level.
7. Injury when Main Nintendo Wii
When the Nintendo Wii was first released, people of all ages are excited to try out this game which replaces the 'stick' is ancient. The problem is many people who enjoy playing Wii games to lose track of time, causing muscle spasms.
source: terselubung.blogspot.com

ADDITIONAL (Hot News!)Type Women Seen From Technology
Recently World Computer Scientist Journal conducted a survey of the computer scientist an eye on how they view women, the results were as follows:
1. CPU Type: smart, a thinker, not a lot of talking but doing a lot of things, (secretly tau-tau was 7 months ...).
2. Type of Monitor: flirty, happy note, like to show off, (though not necessarily a good dipamerin).
3. Keyboard Type: happy-held, pressed and squeezed in a variety of locations (watch out, one can press the hang) 
4. Printer Type: active, pressed a little more movement, noisy when in use, (does not fit in the type 21 ato 'RSS, disturbing the neighbors).
5. Type of Mouse: fitting and comfortable grip, icy-cold soft!.
6. Type of Windows: outside looks good, it full of bugs.
7. Linux-Console type: outside looks ugly, it 'reliable.'
8. XWindow type: outside in can be reliable.
9. DOS type: Face .... not pretty, not necessarily a good heart! 
10. UNIX Type: stealthy, multi-user. 
11. PLC types: large and stocky bodies, able to work in a dirty place, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 30 years nonstop. 
12. Type Windows NT: multi-user, can previlleges costumized. 
13. Type of Windows Vista: always up to date, exclusive, not carelessly accept cowoq, especially pirated ... and up ...
14. Type of Windows 7: similar to Windows Vista but flexible, accept men or women ... important affection ...

Sources: http://muka-aneh.blogspot.com/2009/11/tipe-wanita-dilihat-dari-teknologi.html

Title : 7 Disease Due to Technological Progress
By : Irsyad Fauzan N, NIM : 125150200111040

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